Dilations and Similarity

Lesson 6


Unit 3

10th Grade

Lesson 6 of 18


Prove that a line parallel to one side of a triangle divides the other two sides proportionally.

Common Core Standards

Core Standards

  • G.CO.C.10 — Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: measures of interior angles of a triangle sum to 180°; base angles of isosceles triangles are congruent; the segment joining midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half the length; the medians of a triangle meet at a point.
  • G.SRT.B.4 — Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: a line parallel to one side of a triangle divides the other two proportionally, and conversely; the Pythagorean Theorem proved using triangle similarity.
  • G.SRT.B.5 — Use congruence and similarity criteria for triangles to solve problems and to prove relationships in geometric figures.

Foundational Standards

  • 8.G.A.1

Criteria for Success

  1. Determine through repeated reasoning that the line parallel to one side of a triangle divides the other two sides proportionally. 
  2. Verify through the properties of dilation that a line segment joining two midpoints of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half the length. 
  3. Verify the side splitter theorem through the properties of dilation that a line segment splits two sides of a triangle proportionally if and only if it is parallel to the third side. 
  4. Use the dilation theorem: If a dilation with center $$O$$ and scale factor $$r$$ sends point $$P$$ to $$P'$$ and $$Q$$ to $$Q'$$, then $$\left | P'Q' \right |=r\left | PQ \right |$$. Furthermore, if $$r\neq1$$ and $$O$$, $$P$$, and $$Q$$ are the vertices of a triangle, then $$\overleftrightarrow{PQ} \parallel \overleftrightarrow{P'Q'}$$ in the development of proofs.
  5. Use the side splitter theorem in the development of proofs. 
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Anchor Problems

Problem 1

Below is a diagram of two line segments, $${\overline{AE}}$$ and $${\overline{AD}}$$, drawn on a lined sheet of paper.

Two horizontal line segments, $${{\overline{CB}}}$$ and $${{\overline{ED}}}$$, are drawn. 


What is the relationship between $${{\overline{CB}}}$$ and $${{\overline{ED}}}$$ ? 
What is the relationship between $$\overline{AC}, {\overline{AE}}$$ and $$\overline{AB}, {\overline{AD}}$$

Guiding Questions

Create a free account or sign in to access the Guiding Questions for this Anchor Problem.


Mathematics Vision Project: Secondary Mathematics Two Module 6: Similarity and Right Triangle TrigonometryLesson 6.4 "A Solidifying Understanding Task"

Module 6: Similarity and Right Triangle Trigonometry from Secondary Mathematics Two: An Integrated Approach made available by Mathematics Vision Project under the CC BY 4.0 license. © 2016 Mathematics Vision Project. Accessed Oct. 19, 2017, 1:48 p.m..

Problem 2

In the diagram below, 

$${AB= \frac{4}{3}AD}$$


What can you prove about $${\overline{DE}}$$ and $${\overline{BC}}$$?

Guiding Questions

Create a free account or sign in to access the Guiding Questions for this Anchor Problem.

Target Task

Given that $${\overline{AB'}}$$ is a dilation of  $${\overline{AB}}$$ by a scale factor $$r$$ from point $$A$$ and $$\overline{AC'}$$ is a dilation of $$\overline{AC}$$ by a scale factor $$r$$ from point $$A$$, prove that $$\overline{BC}\parallel\overline{B'C'}$$.

Additional Practice

The following resources include problems and activities aligned to the objective of the lesson that can be used for additional practice or to create your own problem set.

  • Include problems where students complete or fill in missing reasons or statements in proofs involving the side splitter theorem and the dilation theorem. 
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Lesson 5


Lesson 7

Lesson Map


Topic A: Dilations off the Coordinate Plane

Topic B: Dilations on the Coordinate Plane

Topic C: Defining Similarity

Topic D: Similarity Applications

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