Percent and Scaling

Lesson 8


Unit 5

7th Grade

Lesson 8 of 19


Solve percent problems fluently, including percent increase and decrease.

Common Core Standards

Core Standards

  • 7.EE.A.2 — Understand that rewriting an expression in different forms in a problem context can shed light on the problem and how the quantities in it are related. For example, a + 0.05a = 1.05a means that "increase by 5%" is the same as "multiply by 1.05."
  • 7.RP.A.3 — Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems. Examples: simple interest, tax, markups and markdowns, gratuities and commissions, fees, percent increase and decrease, percent error.

Foundational Standards

  • 6.RP.A.3.C

Criteria for Success

  1. Identify what information is given in a percent problem and how it relates to the question at hand.
  2. Determine what missing value is being solved for in a percent problem.
  3. Use various strategies to solve percent problems.

Tips for Teachers

This lesson brings together the concepts from the first seven lessons in the unit. Students must make sense of the quantities in each problem, how they are related, what they mean in context, etc., and then determine what strategy or approach they will use to solve (MP.1).

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Anchor Problems

Problem 1

Sarita is collecting signatures to put a question on her town’s voting ballot. She has three weeks to collect the signatures. At the end of each week, Sarita finds the total number of signatures she has collected.

a.   At the end of week 1, Sarita has collected 528 signatures. This is 44% of the number of signatures she needs. How many signatures does Sarita need to collect?

b.   At the end of week 2, Sarita has a new total of 704 signatures. By what percent did the number of Sarita’s signatures increase over the week? 

c.   At the end of week 3, her total number of signatures increased by 75%. Does Sarita have enough signatures? Justify your answer. 

Guiding Questions

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Problem 2

Ben spends 25% more minutes getting to school than Kate. If $$b$$ represents Ben’s time to get to school in minutes, and $$k$$  represents Kate’s time to get to school in minutes, which equations model this situation? Select all that apply.

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Guiding Questions

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Problem Set

Fishtank Plus Content

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Target Task

Juniper Middle School serves students in 7th and 8th grades.

a.   55% of the students at Juniper are in the 8th grade. The remaining 117 students are in 7th grade. How many students attend Juniper Middle School?

b.   In September, there was an average of 4.8 daily unexcused absences. In October, this daily average was 6. By what percent did the average daily unexcused absences change from September to October?

Student Response

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Additional Practice

The following resources include problems and activities aligned to the objective of the lesson that can be used for additional practice or to create your own problem set.

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Lesson 7


Lesson 9

Lesson Map


Topic A: Percent, Part, and Whole

Topic B: Percent Increase and Decrease

Topic C: Percent Applications

Topic D: Scale Drawings

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