Short Stories

Lesson 10


Unit 6

9th Grade

Lesson 10 of 13


Explain how the author creates character and establishes conflict in the first four paragraphs of the story.

Readings and Materials

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Target Task

Multiple Choice

What is the author’s tone towards the marriage?

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Which two pieces of evidence, when taken together, best support the answer to number 1?

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Writing Prompt

How does the author reveal conflict? What techniques does she use?

Key Questions

  • Skim through the story, reading only the italicized lines that are interspersed throughout. What can you infer about the story based on these italicized lines?
  • Who is the narrator? What do we learn about her in the first paragraph? How is the author conveying this information? How is this different from the other two stories?
  • What is the relationship between the italicized phrases and the paragraphs that follow them? What tone does this convey?
  • How does the phrase "teachings from the wrong God" contribute to the characterization of the man? To the tone?
  • What does Chicago symbolize for the narrator? How do you know?


  • Consider having students begin class by reading a short biography of Alice Walker.
  • This story is short, but complex. For this reason, it is recommended that the reading of the story be split over two days with a focus on closely reading and re-reading for the purposes of comprehension and analysis.
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