Abusing Power: Animal Farm and Wicked History

Lesson 1


Unit 3

8th Grade

Lesson 1 of 32


Define and articulate the differences between capitalism and communism.

Readings and Materials

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Target Task

Writing Prompt

What are some of the arguments for and against capitalism? Provide at least two pieces of evidence from the article, "Capitalism."

What are the arguments for and against communism? Provide at least two pieces of evidence from the article, "An Introduction to Communism."

Sample Response

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Key Questions

Close Read Questions

  • Who has the most power in each economic system? Provide at least one piece of evidence from each text to support your answer.

  • Who gets rich in each economic system? Provide at least one piece of evidence from each text to support your answer.

  • According to the article, "An Introduction to Communism," why did many people in Russia and China believe a communist system would be preferable to capitalism? Provide evidence from the article to support your answer.

  • What are examples of countries that use—or have used—each economic system? Provide at least one piece of evidence from each text to support your answer.

Discussion Questions

  • Based on what you have read today, do you believe that a successful communist community is possible? Why or why not?

Exit Ticket

Assess student understanding and monitor progress toward this lesson's objective with an Exit Ticket.


To ensure that students are prepared for the next lesson, have students complete the following reading for homework. Use guidance from the next lesson to identify any additional language or background support students may need while independently engaging with the text.

  • Book: Joseph Stalin (A Wicked History) by Sean McCollum  pp. 1 – 31

While reading, answer the following questions.

  • In what part of the world does this text take place?

  • What was Josef Stalin’s homelife like? How would you describe his parents?

  • What different names did Stalin have in these chapters? Why did he change them?

  • What kind of government was in place during this time period?

  • What kind of government did Stalin want?

  • How was Stalin punished for his political beliefs and actions?

Enhanced Lesson Plan

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Common Core Standards

  • RI.8.2 — Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.
  • RI.8.3 — Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).

Supporting Standards


Lesson 2

Lesson Map


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