The God of Small Things

Lesson 1


Unit 3

12th Grade

Lesson 1 of 37


“Locate” the novel historically, geographically, and politically speaking.

Readings and Materials

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Target Task

Multiple Choice

Which of the following best describes the setting of The God of Small Things?

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Which of the following best summarizes the common features of postcolonial literature?

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Writing Prompt

Describe an important similarity you discovered today in the style and/or purpose of Achebe’s and Roy’s writing. Use details to support your answer.

Key Questions

  • In what part of India is Kerala? When was the state of Kerala established? Why was it established?
  • When was India colonized by the British? When did they achieve independence?
  • When did Roy write her novel? In what year is the novel set?
  • What is the name of the real Indian town where the author grew up? What is the fictionalized name she gives the town in her novel? Make note of the real/fictional names of the nearby river and the real name of the closest nearby city. Locate all of these on the map of Kerala. Why might she have mixed fictional and real names?
  • What do you notice in the photos of Kerala?
  • As you read the excerpt from “What Is Post Colonial Literature?” what comparisons can you draw between Achebe and Roy?


  • The teacher may choose to structure today as a gallery walk, group work, series of readings, a lecture, or however he or she deems best. The most important part of today’s lesson is that students are able to identify the setting of the novel and know enough basic facts about Indian colonization that they can draw comparisons between Roy’s and Achebe’s purposes in writing their novels.
  • Some resources that might be helpful:

Lesson 2

Lesson Map


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