Invisible Man

Lesson 33


Unit 1

12th Grade

Lesson 33 of 36


Analyze the development of the symbol of the briefcase.

Readings and Materials

  • Book: Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison  pp. 535 – 556

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Target Task

Multiple Choice

The description of how the narrator “seized it with sudden panic, as though something infinitely precious has almost been lost” (p. 535) mainly serves to

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Writing Prompt

What role does the briefcase play in this scene? Use evidence from the chapter to explain how Ellison is using it to convey a message.

Key Questions

  • From whom did the narrator originally receive his briefcase? What does it represent?
  • The briefcase plays a significant role in developing theme and conflict in this chapter. Trace where it appears and what it might represent in each instance.
  • p. 540: What do we learn about the contents of his briefcase here? Why are the contents significant? What do they represent?
  • p. 540: What do the men tell the narrator about the origins of the riot? Why is this significant?
  • Who is behind the riots? Is it Ras? The Brotherhood? How do you know?
  • Describe the riot. What are people doing? Why?
  • p. 556: What is hanging? Why?


  • Begin today's class by having students re-read pp. 533-534 and p. 36. What similarity is the author creating between the narrator and the Founder here? Why?
  • (If time, you might also have students consider the repetition of the verbs "ran" and "run" in the final sentences. Where else have these words been used? By whom? What is the significance?)
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