One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Lesson 30


Unit 3

11th Grade

Lesson 30 of 37


Explain what McMurphy’s laughter represents.

Analyze and explain the author’s use of figurative language to reveal theme. 

Readings and Materials

  • Book: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey  pp. 2241 – 250

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Target Task

Question 1

On p. 248, the description of how McMurphy, “was just laughing” mainly serves to:

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Question 2

Which of the following techniques does the author use on p. 250?

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Question 3

What theme does the above reveal? Explain using evidence from the text.

Key Questions

  • What obstacle does McMurphy run into on p. 241? What motif is reinforced here? 
  • How do the boaters treat Candy on p.242-243? Why?
  • Why is Candy disappointed in the men?
  • How does the behavior of the group change on p. 243?  Why is this? 
  • Describe McMurphy’s demeanor on p. 244.
  • How does McMurphy overcome the obstacle of the waiver on p. 244?
  • How is the trip affecting Bromden?
  • What is the mood of the men on the boat on p. 246 and 247?
  • What does McMurphy’s laughter represent on p. 248?
  • Why do you think McMurphy doesn’t help with the fish?
  • What does Bromden say about laughter on p. 250? What does he mean? 


McMurphy’s laughter here is juxtaposed with the pain of reality. This is one of the first times the other men all start laughing, too. Students will need to make this connection in order to answer today’s target task questions.

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